Merk KGsA / Takeda
Many decades ago shepherds in Switzerland noticed that young calves are able to heal their injuries and regenerate their tissue much faster than older calves. However, it was only in 1957, when Swiss scientists obtained a highly purified extract from blood of young calves and developed the drug.
Many decades ago shepherds in Switzerland noticed that young calves are able to heal their injuries and regenerate their tissue much faster than older calves. However, it was only in 1957, when Swiss scientists obtained a highly purified extract from blood of young calves and developed the drug.
Encephabol (Pyritinol) е холинергичен ноотропик, който се изпозлва за възстановяване на нарушена конгвитивна функция.
По своята химична структува пиритинолът е производно на витамин В6, което се получава чрез свързване на две молекули пиридоксин с дисулфиден мост. Въпреки това, фармакологичното действие на Encephabol се различава от това на В6.