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Boldenone is a highly anabolic, moderately androgenic steroid. Boldenone Acetate also dramatically increases protein synthesis and red blood cell count meaning that nutrients are transported throughout the body much more effectively.
Boldenone is a highly anabolic, moderately androgenic steroid. Boldenone Acetate also dramatically increases protein synthesis and red blood cell count meaning that nutrients are transported throughout the body much more effectively. Also, the increased red blood cell count caused by Boldenone Acetate also increases oxygen transportation throughout the body, thus giving athletes and bodybuilders much more endurance and the capability to endure cardio sessions for much longer periods of time, which obviously makes this drug even more popular among those looking to shed body fat.
• increase protein synthesis
• increase testosterone
• Increase lean muscle gains
• Contains 60 caps
• Each capsule contains: 50mg Boldenone Acetate
5.00 от 5
1 отзив за Boldenonin – 60 капс.
5 от 5
Edin (потвърден клиент) – :
Shortens recovery for sure and gives strenght, using it as a bridge it keeps muscle volume after a different roid cycle. Might need to bump up dossage to get the endurance benefit out from it. Interesting boldenone oral intake if you dont like to IM everything.
Елитният спорт - аматьорски и професионален, е свързан с голямо физическо, нервнопсихическо и емоционално натоварване. Организмът на такива спортисти при ...
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Androbolic 250 contains 5 Anabolic compounds that will kick your growth into high gear.
This product is formulated to deliver 8 hours of growth inducing compounds per serving.
This compound is mild and good for first time users. It’s also not methylated, which means no liver stress. Furazabolin is a better cutter than bulker, and is popular to stack with, becuase it’s no methylated and has a low incident of sides.
Andarine (S-4) is categorized as a SARM as well as a research chemical. S-4 was designed to treat several severe medical conditions, such as, muscle wasting, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hyptertrophy, using the non-steroidal androgen antagonist bicalutamide as a lead compound.
Безплатна доставка при поръчки на обща стойност над 100 лв.! В останалите случаи доставката се изчислява според стандартните тарифи, вижте подробности ТУК. Използваме куриерска фирма Econt. Всички поръчки, направени до 11:00 в текущия работен ден се обработват и изпращат същия ден, останалите - следващия работен ден. За работни дни се броят дните от понеделник до петък, за почивни - събота и неделя и всички официални празници и обявени неработни дни.
Edin (потвърден клиент) – :
Shortens recovery for sure and gives strenght, using it as a bridge it keeps muscle volume after a different roid cycle. Might need to bump up dossage to get the endurance benefit out from it. Interesting boldenone oral intake if you dont like to IM everything.